
5 Ways to Increase Social Media Productivity

Forward Digital Marketing Forward Digital Marketing, Marketing 5 Ways to Increase Social Media Productivity

Are you struggling to get a good following for your new business? Have you been around for years and want to give this ‘social media’ thing a try? We can help you!

Every company has to start somewhere so don’t get discouraged!

We have some great tips to share with you on how to stay positive through this time of growth – from our business to yours!

1. Join question and answer sessions.

Although this doesn’t directly affect your social media and amount of activity on it, you can always learn something new! I recently attended a virtual webinar that the UGA Small Business Development Center conducted. It focused on the importance of having a Google My Business page, mainly for the fact that that’s how a lot of people look up business hours. If people can’t see what your business looks like, what times it is open, or a phone number to contact, they are more likely to look somewhere else for what they need. It was an interesting webinar and I didn’t expect to walk away from my work day having that much more knowledge about Google My Business. There are also PLENTY of webinars and videos out there for you to watch. I was recently asked to join another UGA webinar previously and liked it so much, I signed up to receive emails on other topics related to our business they are doing and found the Google My Business webinar. I’m really glad I didn’t miss my chance of attending. Make sure you research and find organizations that directly affect the business you do. 

2. Create Facebook ads.

This doesn’t have to be an expensive project. Fortunately, Facebook is extremely cost-efficient. $30 will get you a long way with more engagement and impressions than you would think. Instead of getting discouraged that your page isn’t getting the attention it deserved and your last resort is to pay for an ad, think of it as an opportunity to get your name out there to people. And hey, if it doesn’t do as good as you thought, at least you only spent $30 (except I don’t think you will have that issue). 

3. Follow relative people and businesses.

I’ve seen so many new Instagram pages that just start following thousands of random people to beef up their following. That will only result in them later unfollowing you because they aren’t interested in the content that you are putting out. What I would recommend is starting with your location first. For example, if your business is in Jesup, GA, search that and see what comes up. Follow other local businesses and people that you know around that area. They are more likely to be a loyal follower because they are familiar with what you do. If you operate a Constant Contact account, it would be beneficial for you to also look and see what kind of people you send your email blasts to. If you are sending them emails regularly and they haven’t unsubscribed, I would assume they wouldn’t mind a mutual follow with your business on social media either.

4. Find an analytic platform to track progress.

When we first changed over to Forward Digital Marketing from Web Electronics, Inc., one of the first things we did was set up an online scheduling system that all the team members could work from. This set us up for a collaborative approach to help everyone stay on task and keep in the loop with each other without actually acknowledging every time someone completed a task or project. With this scheduling system (we use CoSchedule), it also helps us see the best times to post our social media. This gives us the best chance to catch eyes of the most amount of people…and we didn’t even have to do anything! Although your own research helps, it is very helpful to have a computer do it for you. Facebook also has its own analytics program that you can find under the Insights tab on your business page.

5. Everybody loves free rewards.

Who doesn’t love free stuff?! This is a great way to get the people that already do follow you more involved. This in turn will get those followers talking about your business and be serving as ambassadors for your company without even knowing it! So, whether it be a photo/video submission, sharing what they love about your business, or a like, follow & share contest, it’s amazing to see what people will do for a free gift. 

As you go along, it will get easier. You will be able to see what works and what doesn’t. Forward Digital Marketing wishes you all the best in your journey navigating the World Wide Web. 

As always, how can we help you with your Social Media Productivity?

Always Looking Forward,


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