
Discover if Your Website Bounce Rate is Good, Great!

Forward Digital Marketing Forward Digital Marketing, Optimization, SEO, Website Discover if Your Website Bounce Rate is Good, Great!

Driving traffic to your website is a worthwhile cause! But what happens once they get to your site? Do they stick around or bounce right back off, driving your bounce rate up?

The bounce rate is the percentage of single, individual visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page. Your site’s bounce rate is an important insight that gives you a look into how engaging your site content is.

Having a bad bounce rate could indicate there are issues within your website! It could also mean that your content is just not any good. Let’s work through the good, the great, and the could be better bounce rates and learn how to improve yours!

Bounce Rate Defined
Bounce Rate is Defined as “the percentage of individual visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page.” This is different from an exit rate, in which the user only leaves the page, not the site.

What’s a Good Bounce Rate?

A good bounce rate is based on your website’s needs, so giving an exact number is not so easy. A bounce rate between 56% to 70% is on the high end, but not the end of the world! If your website is built to drive traffic to other sites, this rate might be right where you need to be!

A bounce rate between 25%-30% is unusually good… but it can happen! Don’t be spoiled by these numbers, because they are not easily maintained. Anything under 40%, that’s not caused by a broken Google Analytics install, is something to be very proud of! This is proof that your website is professionally built, well engaging, and meeting the needs of its users.

Where the majority of good website bounce rates will fall is in the 35%-55% range. Once it starts to creep up towards the 60% range, it’s time to take a look at individual pages’ bounce rates and see what is causing the rate to spike.

Forward Digital Marketing's Bounce Rates from Google Analytics on a green background. The background has the FDM logo and green triangles. Bounce rate.

How Can I Fix My Website’s High, Climbing Bounce Rates?

So you’re bounce rates still aren’t where you’d like them to be… Here are some things that could be affecting your bounce rate negatively:

  1. – Your Page Speed is LOW!
  2. – Annoying, Badly Designed Pop-ups
  3. Website is not User Friendly
  4. – Page, Meta Titles Are Not Optimized
  5. – Page is Blank, Loading Error
  6. – Content Lacks Quality…
  7. – Pages Aren’t Mobile-Friendly– Unnecessary Plugins
  8. – Google Analytics is not Set-up Correctly

Slow Loading Pages:

The most common contributor to slow loading pages are unoptimized images. If you upload a large photo to your website, just to scale it down, you could be taking up valuable bandwidth space that is slowing down your site!

Poor Design:

When someone enters your site, are they automatically bombarded with large pop-ups, chatbots, or screens held hostage until the user has given you something? Do six invisible videos automatically start playing with sound? Do page buttons only work when you click the text just the right way or does the text wrap in weird ways under images, making it impossible to figure out what you’re trying to tell the audience?! Though all of this may seem extreme and never done on purpose, it could be what is driving your visitors away!

Not Mobile Friendly:

Does your website do all sorts of back flips when a user views it with their mobile phone or tablet? The number one factor is that your website is not mobile responsive! Mobile responsive website automatically correct proportions to fit the screen it is viewed on. Rather than designing layouts that can be “scaled-down,” website designers have to think about each element individually!

Will the text still show up and be legible? How can a user navigate to different pages? Does the mobile site have the same content as the other devices? All of this goes into creating a fully user-friendly mobile site… and which is so important when over 57% of all site visits are now through mobile devices!

Bounce Rate and SEO

Using correct keywords draws in the correct user! If a user is looking for rubber duckies and finds your site, which is selling pineapples, they won’t stick around very long! Maybe your page keyword is “yellow” and when that user is looking up “yellow rubber duckies,” your site pops up! It’s great that your website is found, but it is found by the wrong consumer… by doing the research and optimizing your website pages to the max, you attract individuals who are actually looking for sites like yours! This means they won’t bounce as fast because they are genuinely interested in the products, services, or information you offer.

Bottom Line: Define Your Bounce Rate Goals and Dig In!

The bounce rate is an important analytic to keep your eye on. It may not look like ours, your neighbors, or [insert large corporation here], but that’s because the goal of each website may be different! Be sure to set realistic goals and watch your data to figure out what works and what is driving your audience away. It might be as simple as fixing your keywords, or it could be as complicated as rebuilding poorly performing pages!

Don’t know how to check your bounce rate? Click here so that we can help you set up your Google Analytics! After set up, you’ll be able to monitor bounce rate and way more! Already have Google Analytics set up, but don’t know where the breakdown is? Let’s run a website audit to get you the information you need to optimize!

Don’t miss these awesome tips!

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